We’ve become used to having information at our fingertips instantly. Most of us carry devices in our pockets today that can connect us to the totality of human knowledge within moments. That’s why, when it comes to getting information about the performance of lead generation websites, we can fall into the trap of believing we already have all the information we need. However, most of the time, that’s not the case.

When online marketers rely on the raw conversion numbers provided by Google Analytics to measure how many sales leads they’re generating on their websites, they’re only getting part of the picture. That’s because, those numbers don’t distinguish between conversions that are true sales leads and those that are not. Plus, they tell you nothing about leads that come in via phone calls. Nearly half of website conversions turn out to be job applications, customer service inquiries, etc. Therefore, the raw conversion numbers from Google Analytics don’t give marketers all the information they need.

This is why we here at PPC management firm Straight North have advised our clients to make lead tracking and validation a key process within their Internet marketing campaigns. With lead tracking and validation in place, online marketers can get a more complete picture of how many sales leads they have generated, and which sources are generating them. The following step-by-step guide tells you everything you should know about how to make lead tracking and validation part of your website. The information you need to optimize your website is easily available — all you have to do is ask!
