55% of business professionals believe that a great story grabs their attention and keeps them engaged with content. However, with attention spans now sitting at around eight seconds, there isn’t a lot of time to tell a compelling story. This is the digital marketer’s modern-day conundrum. Creating effective social campaigns that accomplish their goal isn’t that hard to do, with so many tools and research available. What’s hard is accomplishing that goal in such a short amount of time. Understanding how to do that is what sets the true champion marketers apart from the rest.

The Rise of Micromarketing Campaigns

A former Microsoft marketer revealed just how much marketing has changed when he said that many campaigns have evolved from being relatively long (months) to relatively short (days and maybe even weeks). While this might sound like a lot of pressure for marketers, what’s great about this is that it provides a lot of wiggle room for ad adjustment. With the sheer amount of analytics tools available now, it’s easy to see what works and what doesn’t. This makes it easier to change the copy, redesign they style a bit, and try the campaign out on a different platform.

Leaving Out the Fluff

Marketers with a background in writing might find this hard to do, but exceptional marketing campaigns include only the necessary information and nothing else. When writing text or SMS campaigns, therefore, it’s important to read and re-read the information. If you yourself find anything in there that’s not absolutely necessary, take it out and see how it reads after. Chances are, it’s much easier to digest and gets to the point faster than the previous version.

Making the Goal Easier

Because modern-day consumers have such a short attention span, it’s important to make the goal of the campaign clear and easy right from the start. Whereas before, the idea might simply be to promote a brand, the goal of a micromarketing campaign, for example, can be to sign up to a company’s email list in hopes of gaining more customer data. Or, the goal might be to share the content in order to generate more likes for a Facebook page. With more specific goals, it becomes even more important to make that goal easy to understand and perform.

Change is Continuous

Not only is marketing constantly changing due to advances in technology, but buyer preferences and perspectives are constantly changing as well. Agility is required to keep up with the rapid pace of the marketing world, but that’s not such a bad thing. The constant change allows you to take iterative learning experiences and turn them into future successes, and that’s something the previous generation of marketers didn’t have the luxury of doing.
