Of course, there are far more than just a dozen marketing professionals in the Boston area who you and I should be following on Twitter. There are hundreds, if not thousands who deserve our attention.

That’s what couldn’t have been more obvious to me after finishing up my last post for this blog. And while I can’t possibly write about every single one of them here in this space, I can certainly give it another whirl.

So, to continue the conversation about some of the most ridiculously accomplished people in our industry on Twitter who just happen to work around here – that is, Boston – here are another 12 local rock stars of marketing, advertising, PR and social media.

You can follow them individually on Twitter by clicking on their handles below. You can also subscribe to my list (here), which now includes a total of 24 “Boston Marketing Pros” among the countless number of others out there.

1. Meghan Biro
Follow Meghan at @MeghanMBiro

CEO of Talent Culture, Meghan is a renowned thought leader and prolific social media practitioner on everything to do with HR, recruiting, work trends, leadership and more.

2. John Foley
Follow John at @johnfoleyjr

John is a CEO, a CMO, a published author, an experienced public speaker, a successful consultant and a consummate, senior-level marketing professional.

3. Christine Perkett
Follow Christine at @missusP

Christine has a wealth of knowledge in many areas – PR, marketing, analytics, digital media, you name it – which she generously shares with her audience of nearly 50,000 followers on Twitter.

4. Robert Collins
Follow Robert at @RobertCollins

A senior vice president at LEWIS Global Communications, a global communications agency, Robert specializes in social media, direct marketing, content marketing and PR.

5. Kris Kiehn
Follow Kris at @SimplyK2Mktg

An experienced brand marketer with a focus on CPG, retail, food, beverage and apparel, Kris puts more thought into what she shares on Twitter than any local marketer I know, adding a personal touch to her tweets that commands attention and drives response.

6. Joselin Mane
Follow Joseline at @JoselinMane

He knows how to bring people together, on social media and in real life (IRL). He’s extremely well-known around town, as he networks as much in person as online. He also runs @BostonTweetUp. He’s Joselin Mane.

7. Christina Inge
Follow Christina at @christinainge

She’s not only the founder and CEO of Thoughtlight, a tech consulting company, Christina is also the founder of Sleek Marketing, an organization that provides digital marketing educational sessions.

8. Vala Afashar
Follow Vala at @ValaAfshar

If you want to be inspired, follow the chief digital evangelist of Salesforce, Vala Afashar, on Twitter. His tweets (over 330,000 of them) are refreshingly unique, creative and positive.

9. Julia Campbell
Follow Julia at @JuliaCSocial

She’s the author of the new book, “Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits.” According to her Twitter profile, Julia also helps “nonprofits change the world using social media & digital marketing tools.”

10. John Haydon
Follow John at @johnhaydon

A well-known marketing expert, especially in the fundraising arena, John is the author of the book, “Facebook Marketing for Dummies,” and has almost 50,000 followers on Twitter.

11. Lisa Nickerson
Follow Lisa at @LisaNickerson

Founder and principal of her own full-service communications agency, Nickerson, Lisa was recognized as Marketing Professional of the Year at the 2016 PRISM awards.

12. Chris Requena
Follow Chris at @CERequena

The co-founder of Boston New Technology, a technology and startup community of 16,000+ members, Chris is also co-founder of Mobinett, an interactive app development firm and an employee at hubEngage.



  • Bob Cargill

    Bob Cargill, who was named the New England Direct Marketing Association's "Direct Marketer of the Year" for 2009, is an independent social media director, content marketer, copywriter, storyteller, creative director and public speaker...available for hire. You can follow Bob on Twitter at @cargillcreative.

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