Most entrepreneurs put their heart into developing the perfect product or service but fail to succeed due to poor marketing. One of the most effective ways to grab the attention of your audience is to use animation. It helps to tell a story and gives the power to demonstrate how the product or service works. Statistics prove that animated video content is 50 times more likely to drive traffic than plain text. If a website has visual and textual content, 70% of users prefer to watch an animated video. Here are creative ways to use animation to market a business.

Animate Product Explainer Videos

The statistics on video marketing don’t lie. It’s estimated that 54% of customers want to see a video from a brand. Animated videos can convey a message that is succinct and easy to understand. While the structure of an animated video will depend on the end goal, it follows a basic structure. It should acknowledge the customer’s pain points and give a simple demonstration of the product or service. Whether it’s the traditional animation video or 3D, the benefits must be crystal clear. Unlike plain text, animated videos keep the audience hooked, simplify complex ideas, and boost conversions.

Animate Emails

Most brands’ emails lack visual appeal. That’s why some people ignore or delete those that appear obstructive. That said, businesses can use animation in marketing to draw attention to the most important messages. The greatest benefit is that it doesn’t cost anything, and no coding experience is needed. Knowing how to draw is a good start, and one can begin by learning how to draw eyes of an anime character or a whole face to express something. Beyond creating a favorable image, the user can differentiate company emails from third-party emails. The other benefit is that the reader can skim the content and demonstrate things that words usually struggle with. But here is the catch – animated emails require a thoughtful design to ensure deliverability. Those businesses that use this strategy see a high open-rate.

Animated GIFS

Animated GIFs add a touch of humor and can be used to boost the business image. Brands like MailChimp and Nike use this strategy in their campaigns. Unlike other marketing strategies, animated GIFs are short and snappy. They are like the digital version of flipbooks. Tech-savvy marketers use a single animated element such as text, person, or object to emphasize movement. Since visual communication dominates the digital world, marketers can use GIFs to share a reaction or highlight a feeling. The first step in creating animated videos in a marketing campaign is planning the design. This involves developing a blog post topic and building a content calendar. One should also define the goals to avoid limiting the possibilities. The next step is choosing a platform that gives all the features. While some offer a free version those that include a subscription give additional features. This is the simplest way to drive more visits to a website.

Animated Logo

A logo determines the brand’s overall value. Businesses that use animated logos see an increase in expansion and profitability. Generally, the animations used will depend on the nature of the brand and business objective. Unlike the traditional ones, animated logos can strike the minds of potential customers and the existing ones – they leave a lasting impression. If a brand has a strong story to tell, it will be successful in the long run. After all, businesses that trigger emotions to the audience in the very beginning can convince them to buy a product or service. In the competitive business world, companies should use the animated logo on social media and company sites.

Animate a Website

The easiest way to use animation is on a website. This will not only help to liven the site but also increase conversions. One place that offers an opportunity to stand out from the rest is the landing page. But for this to happen, the user must get it right. Website animation is all about making it look prettier and creating the right mood. For instance, one can make the objects on the landing page start hovering whenever the user hovers the mouse. Apart from that, animation can be a means of embellishment. An outstanding website sends a strong signal and captures customers’ attention.

Animation is a great way to differentiate a brand and engage the target audience. In addition, it gives the power to demonstrate how a product or service works. That’s not all. Animation can depict complicated scenarios and leaves a scope of creativity. With this type of fun and emotive marketing, businesses can create and maintain a loyal customer base.
