Facebook will penalize you for being salesy with your posts. When you post overly promotional posts, Facebook will hide your posts from the news feed of your target customers. And this will limit your reach and engagement.

Are you using Facebook Ads? A report by MyAssignmentHelp shows that 93% of social media advertising agents are using Facebook Ads.

Although Facebook is the top platform for B2B and B2C businesses, 57.5% of people will unfollow a brand that is pushy and salesy given that 35% of Facebook’s ad audiences are people aged below 25 years old.

Don’t wait until you are penalized by Facebook.

In this article, we are going to share with you useful tips on how to promote on Facebook without being salesy.

Social media provides a powerful avenue for online shop owners to promote their products to a bigger audience. Facebook alone has over 2.41 billion monthly active users. When used correctly, Facebook can get your brand in front of your target market.

So after reading this article, you will be able to promote on Facebook without getting penalized.

What You Need to Know About Facebook Promotions

If you are thinking of running a contest or Facebook promotion you must be aware of the Facebook rules and guidelines.

According to, John Alison, a custom coursework expert and social media consultant, promoting on Facebook is a fantastic way to create bells, boost engagement, increase your fan base, and most importantly grow your email list but Facebook has strict guidelines on how you can promote on their platform.

Unlike in the past when Facebook users could run contests without following any rules, these days Facebook has rigorous rules that govern the creation and running of campaigns.

How to Create a Facebook Promotion

Facebook offers an awesome platform for brands to host a promotion or a contest on their Business page. You can promote your products on Facebook by adding a link to your posts that direct your readers to your website or promote everything on your Facebook page without linking to your website.

Promotions don’t need to be complicated or challenging. You can simply go the yes and no approach to promoting your brand.

Remember, your promotion needs to be unique and there are chances to make yours unique as well.

  • K.I.S.S– Don’t complicate your promotion but keep it simple. If you want readers to fill a form, put fewer questions so that people can fill them all.
  • Go for at least one month with your promotion– Word-of-mouth marketing takes time. Rushing up things won’t get you good results.  Spend at least a month promoting a promotion to increase the odds of getting more entries.
  • Keep your promotion fair and transparent– Sometimes people don’t make it clear how they select a winner, especially when running a contest. You must make it known to the public how you select the winner. State clearly the selection criteria. For instance, if you want participants to upload creative photos or videos, you must let people know that in your rules.
  • Keep your promotion exciting, fun and interesting– for people to participate, your Facebook promotion must spark interests. It must be thrilling, exciting and fun. This way, they will share their experience with their friends and hence make your brand known to a wider audience.

Having said that, let’s get into the meat of this article

Ways to Promote On Facebook without Being Salesy

Have you been posting on Facebook without getting likes, shares or comments? Do you use the words “our stock is half off!” “Hurry up before you are late!”

These days, people will be happy to buy something that meets their needs. They hate to be sold to.

How did you feel the last time you were in a shopping mall and the salesperson appeared to you and asked you if you need anything to buy? It feels annoying, right?

That’s the same way people feel when you are too pushy with your promotion.

And while Facebook is a great platform for promoting your business, it can turn out to be the worst platform for you if you don’t use it the right way.

Let’s learn how to promote on Facebook without making people feel like they are being sold to.

  1. Show Them That You Care About Them

The first thing you need to do to avoid being salesy with your promotion is to help them buy what you are selling”, says Judith Anderson, a custom writing expert, and social media manager at Superior Papers. These days, people are smart to tell whether you care about them and their businesses. They want to see that you care about who they are and their needs and wants.

Just focus on serving them first instead of thinking about selling your products or services to them and they will definitely want to buy from you.

People use Google to search for information and then head to Facebook to seek recommendations. For instance, when one Googles “Velvet jobs” he will find a lot of information related to velvet jobs and most likely get their social media accounts. He or she can then head over to their profiles and ask his or her friends whether the jobs are genuine or not.

If they happen to land on your Facebook page lead them to your business by helping them with what they looking for. Answer questions asked by your target audience in groups but don’t look salesy and this will help to establish your expertize.

  • Give Your Audience a Chance to Speak

Listening is important when it comes to promoting your products or services. According to Marlene Matheus, a sales representative at Essayninja, people are annoyed when you don’t listen to them. And this is where most salesmen and women go wrong. They don’t stop talking. What do you do when you come across a salesman or woman on a department store or at a car lot? You turn your face on the other side so that they don’t see you, isn’t it? Because you are sure they won’t stop talking about what they are selling. That’s what happens to people on Facebook when you are too pushy or salesy with your promotion.

To avoid this, LISTEN to your target audience. Let them talk. Let them explain to you about their businesses and their main concerns. This way, you will be able to find a way to solve their issues. And they will buy from you not because you have promoted yourself to them but because you have shown them that you understand what they are going through first.

  • Socialize With Your Target Audience

You are in business and that’s a fact, but getting social won’t reduce your promotion into a dubious exercise. Remember, you are out there to make people know that you exist. Facebook updated its algorithm just recently that prioritizes posts that are people-centered and not business-centered posts.

Facebook was established as a platform to connect with the outside world. You also need to use it to connect with your target customers and other businesses out there.

  • Teach them. Don’t Sell to Them

Ever heard the Chinese saying “Give a man a fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to fish and you will never have to feed him a day?

If you teach your target customers, they will more than eager to buy from you. You will be their go-to source of information.

Most marketers get it wrong and focus on selling, selling, selling, and fail to understand that they can make sales without selling.

Post high-quality content that is useful, helpful, and informative to your prospects. Whether it’s a blog post, an eBook, free reports, videos, webinars, ensure it provides value to your target audience.

If you give them valuable content for free, they will pay for your premium one. This is what you will find in most essay-writing service UK blogs. They share helpful and useful content instead of pushing people to use their services.

  • Tease Your Fans and Prospects

Sometimes when watching a TV series, you will find that when it comes to the end, they show what to expect in their next episode.

Or how do you feel when your significant other sends you a short SMS letting you know that he or she wants to tell you something but not at the moment?

You will want to know what’s that your significant wants to tell you. You will feel like getting crazy. What is it that she/he wants to tell me? Why doesn’t she/tell me right now? Is it a must that I should wait?

These are questions that will linger in your mind waiting for him/her to tell you.

You can apply this approach on your Facebook promotion as well. Tease your fans to continue staying around for a huge and surprising announcement.

Maybe you are launching a new product. Tease your fans by showing them a little bit of the products. Tell them to stick around for more.

  • Use Customer Testimonials

If there is one thing people believe then it’s something that has been recommended by other people. Once you post your customers testimonials, your prospects will trust you and they will buy from you. Showing customer testimonials is a trick used by most assignment help service providers. They display testimonials of their happy customers on their writer websites to make people know that they provide excellent services.

Testimonials make them feel that you are real and credible. And because you are not the one doing the talking, you will not appear salesy.

But how do you show customer testimonials on your Facebook page?

  • Ask customers for testimonials– Your loyal customers are your brand ambassadors, ask them for testimonials. Tell them you will post their testimonials on your Facebook page.
  • Allow them to post photos of them using your products on your Facebook page- This will make people have trust in your products.

Over to You

Using these techniques, you will promote on Facebook without being salesy. Just ensure to keep your promotion real and unique.


  • Scott Mathews

    Scott Mathews is a digital marketer and a blogger interested in social media campaigns and content creation. Besides that, Scott is very passionate about all topics related to personal development and self-improvement. When he is not working, Scott is probably out jogging in the local park. He is a father of two teenage kids.

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