Application programming interfaces (APIs) are defined as a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications on a webpage. APIs also allow multiple components of the internet to communicate with each other simultaneously. APIs are important for marketers to know because it allows them to increase their overall customer engagement and satisfaction numbers.

The world of APIs is constantly evolving and mutating. Introduced in the 2000’s, APIs have drastically changed in their approaches and features to keep up with the evolving tech space.  The data we are dealing with in 2019 is not the same as what we dealt with back in the 1990s, and the architecture of APIs are needing to be updated each year to keep up with emerging demands and changes. In this article, we are going to go over emerging concepts, technologies, approaches, and designs that will keep the modern API applicable for future applications.

Here are the growing API trends we have identified for you to watch out for in 2019!

Increase The Developer Experience (DX)

User Experience (UX) is one of the top priorities for many consumer-facing companies. The ability to simplify complex interactions into a meaningful experience for users is an equally important competitive edge for companies. Additionally, creating APIs with the Developer Experience (DX) in mind is also important. Discussed at the Developer Experience Conference, the trend of designing APIs with the developer in mind will be the main focus in 2019.

So, what is the Developer Experience? DX is the way developers feel during the use of an API. It is the cumulation of all experiences developers have throughout the course of using an API. Typically not a main concern during the creation of a product aimed towards developers, DX is important to ensure that other developers will keep using your product. If a competing API has a better DX than your own API, it is likely that your competitor’s product will be chosen over yours.

Improve The API Design

In recent years, the mindset of “API First” was important, but not essential. API First is the thinking method of “APIs are the first interface of your application”. This means that developers that are developing against your API are users and that your own API needs to be designed with them in mind. As the tool that exposes your product’s functionality, your API needs to be designed and managed deliberately through a well made graphical user interface.

A great API design that is easy to use and scalable is the key to reaching consumers and API builders in 2019.

Create AI APIs

A relatively new technology, cloud AI-based APIs are an innovative solution and trend for the year 2019. Providing machine learning services and generating custom-tailored models, APIs using this tech bring unmatched scale and speed to businesses.

These types of APIs use predictive analytics to combine location, network, big data, visual, and more to evolve and interact with users in a new and exciting way. Popular platforms and devices use these AI types to build engaging and conversational interfaces, such as chatbots or voice apps. Having APIs that deliver real-time data helps companies discover trends quicker and provide responses in faster times.


A new breed of DevOps, APIOps support developer friendly and business-orientated APIs. A DevOp is a movement, practice, or culture that emphasizes the communication and collaboration of IT professionals and developers. They strive to automate the software delivery process and encourage infrastructure changes. DevOps want to build an environment where testing, building, and releasing software can happen in a rapid and reliable fashion.

In 2019, the movement of APIOps will become more apparent. APIOps, API development, and API operations encompass the same culture and movement as DevOps, but with the creation of APIs. They make great strides to build, design, test, and release reliable APIs more frequently. 

Ecosystem-driven Platforms

While platforms can change and scale quickly, the ecosystem supported by APIs must be able to adapt to a diverse pool of industries and their varying requirements. Trying to meet all potential requirements opens the door for different APIs to be bundled together in order to support a specific ecosystem to better serve the needs of a particular industry and their users.

APIs are changing and improving as each year passes. The developers of APIs are constantly identifying ways to enhance the experience and technology to keep up with transforming needs. As 2019 presents new opportunities for growth, more API trends and transformations will continue to emerge to stay competitive and relevant.  


  • Nick Rojas

    Nick Andrew Rojas is a journalist and a self-taught serial entrepreneur who has worked with various startups as a business consultant. His work often discusses marketing, business and technology. He loves to connect so reach out on Twitter! @nickarojas. Nick volunteers for AMA Boston in his (limited) spare time.

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