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Join us on Twitter for this informative Q&A, Twitter account is not required to view, required to participate. If you have not joined us before, our monthly Twitter chat consists of sixty minutes of ongoing insight from a thought leader on various marketing focuses. Immediately following he will join us on Twitter Spaces, an audio format. Twitter account not required to listen, live or on-demand on desktop or mobile, account required to participate on mobile, to access this click on our AMA Boston bio at the time of the space or use the link below.

Event Info:

When: June 28th, Wednesday – 12pm EDT
Who: Virtual Meet and Greet with Emilee Cocuzzo – Incoming President-Elect
Where: 1st Segment, Twitter via hashtag(#AMABCHAT) or via @AMABoston
2nd Segment Twitter Spaces via https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lDxLnyWdMPGm


Emiliee Cocuzo, is a marketing professional and faculty member of Clark University where she attended undergrad. She is our current Vice President of Collegiate at the AMA Boston chapter. She will be assuming the role of President-Elect this summer. Additionally, she has worked in the marketing space for several years including in the IT Services space. Her passions include Taylor Swift for music and trips to Massachusetts islands.
Please reach out to Brian Hurst bhurst09@gmail.com if you have any questions.

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