Northeastern Event – AI and Marketing Jobs

Exp 201 - Northeastern 815 Columbus Ave EXP 201, Boston, MA, United States

You don't have to be a student to join our next event at Northeastern... it just gets you a discount! What's really

$5 – $15

The Future of Marketing with Bennie F. Johnson

What’s the future of marketing? AMA’s top leader, CEO Bennie Johnson, will share his insights to this question, including: podcasting, emerging technologies


AMA Summer Conference: Cutting Edge AI Workshop

Join AMA Boston at the 2024 AMA Summer Academic Conference on Friday, August 16th, from 1:00 - 4:00 PM at the Boston Marriott Copley Place (110 Huntington Ave in Boston) - Simmons (3rd Floor) for an exciting cutting-edge AI workshop hosted by AISIG, a specialty interest group within AMA.

$15 – $25
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