?ÛÏAn objection is an opportunity in disguise.?۝ ~ Unknown

Expect customers to have questions and even concerns in some cases. These are natural reactions in the buying and selling process. The better prepared you are to anticipate such questions the more confidently you will handle them in a professional and natural way. There used to be an old TV commercial for Gillette Dry Idea antiperspirants. Their slogan was, ?ÛÏNever let them see you sweat.?۝ When you’re prepared, you will come across as under control and reduce the anxiety of both you and your customer.

Understanding their position is critical to your success. Repeat back to your customer what you have heard them say. Confirm that what you heard and understood is the same as what they had intended. If not, ask for clarification. Either way, you’re connecting and making progress.

Flush out the real problem or concern if it doesn’t seem to be clear. Ask, ?ÛÏIs there anything I may have missed or other concerns you have??۝ And then listen. They will lead you to their hot button (what motivates them). After you listen (and maybe even agree with them, which can be disarming) then make your logical point. They may not always agree with you but this gives them confidence in you as a knowledgeable and engaging professional who they feel confident they can communicate with.

Never be defensive or argumentative: that will only create negative feelings counterproductive in the moment and in the future. Don’t take objections personally but rather look at them as business decisions that can be reversed in the future. Rejection is something that every salesperson faces as part of the process.

Remembering that your product or service can make a difference in the personal and business lives of your customers has meaning for both parties. But you have to truly believe it in order to communicate it successfully. You have a real reason for being at the meeting and you want to develop a working relationship. So go forward and be prepared to overcome those pesky objections by turning them into opportunities to build communication and trust.


  • amaboston

    The New England chapter of the American Marketing Association, AMA Boston, was formally founded in 1940. We are dedicated to being the essential resource for advancing the practice of marketing and the professional development of marketers. AMA Boston is the 4th largest chapter in the world and continues to be the number one resource for marketing professionals throughout the greater Boston area.

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