Understanding human behavior is essential to effective marketing. Consumer behavior is a key extension of human behavior that analyzes how people make buying decisions. Marketers use their study of consumer behavior to implement effective strategies that maximize profits and scale a business.
Strategies used to promote a brand, services, and products are changing because of the pandemic, leaving most longing for what will come after. But the reality is, this pandemic isn’t going anywhere. And although we are hopeful that things will “go back to normal,” we’re faced with accepting that this very well is normal now.
So, marketers need to adapt their strategies to this new normal.
This article will discuss three key psychology-focused points for marketers to consider when crafting marketing strategies for the future in the wake of an ongoing pandemic.
“This is an Ongoing Pandemic, There Won’t be a Back to Normal.”
This is the most stressful time for many people for reasons related to this ongoing pandemic.
Aside from traditional work and life stressors, this pandemic presents additional stressors like:
- An increased or significantly decreased workload.
- Transitioning to schedules that include working from home.
- Uncertainty in how industries will recover.
- A constant change in consumer behavior.
Consumers and marketers are coming to terms with the fact that there will never be a “back to normal.” That we’ll have to adapt to the above stressors as a new way of living because this pandemic will persist beyond current predictions and in ways we haven’t discussed yet.
Shifting toward a reality of an ongoing pandemic and away from “we’ll be back to how it was before soon” is the best strategy for marketers. Frame strategies around the sentiment that this pandemic isn’t going anywhere, but we’re going to adapt and thrive.
Even as we get this virus controlled, we will never be fully rid of its effects on our personal and professional lives, and marketers need to be empathetic and aware of that.
“This Pandemic has Changed My Buying Decisions.”
Consumer behavior has drastically changed as a result of this pandemic. It’s important to note that most consumers’ buying decisions have changed in the wake of this ongoing pandemic.
Consumers buying decisions are influenced by changes in attitude toward:
- Brand loyalty.
- Discretionary spending.
- Staying home more often.
- Using strictly online channels to make purchases.
With the above shifts in consumer sentiment in mind, you can combine this knowledge with the below predictions to construct adaptable marketing strategies.
Marketers should be aware of the two major predictions about how buying decisions will be after the pandemic:
- Consumers will rush back to old habits as soon as their economic situation permits.
- Consumers will keep their new spending habits intact or a form of them, even if the pandemic subsides.
Analyze consumer behavior right now and implement marketing strategies based on either of these predictions and more importantly, how your target audience’s buying decisions are influenced.
“Back to Normal” vs. “This is Normal”
Smart marketers will build their future strategies around human and consumer behavior adjusting to this being an ongoing pandemic.
Consider the following tactics to prioritize this new normal:
- Text message marketing.
- Ecommerce, ecommerce, ecommerce.
- Corporate social responsibility.
Also, consider industries that will be booming again as restrictions loosen and things become safer for consumers, like the hospitality, events, and travel industries. Consumer shifts in these industries will prompt an uptick in buying discretionary items like electronics gear again.
Instead of framing everything around things being “back to normal again,” shift messaging to “this is normal, living safer and healthier is normal, fighting this virus is normal.”
We won’t be able to act like the pandemic never happened, and we shouldn’t.
Consumer behavior is inevitably changed as we accept this pandemic as ongoing versus temporary. So, it’s up to marketers to acknowledge and strategize with this new reality in mind at all times. Traditional marketing strategies simply aren’t going to suffice.
To reach your audiences and remain in good business standing in the wake of this ongoing pandemic, marketers are required to be empathetic and accepting of this new normal, engage in critical thinking concerning consumer behavior, and implement creative marketing strategies with this new pandemic perspective.