It’s true valuencer is not even a word (yet) and valuencer is not a hashtag either (coming to a social media channel near you)…but it really should be. The internet is inundated with people who are bestowed such titles as:

  • Influencer
  • The Best
  • #1• Guru
  • Expert
  • Content Creator
  • Thought Leader

But why isn’t there a word that truly exemplifies an individual who brings value consistently through his or her actions and/or content? A term for people who do it the right way, with a community that they built organically, not with one that’s riddled with bots and fraudulent followers. For those who are transparent, genuine and human?

Well that word is valuencer (yes I totally made it up). You are probably asking: what is the true definition and how is that different than being an influencer?

The Difference Between Influencer and Valuencer, Explained

  • In·flu·encer (inflo͝oənser, noun). An individual with the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
  • Val·ue·ncer (valyo͞oənser, noun):
    1. An individual who communicates the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
    2. An individual who has principles or standards of behavior; one who shares their judgments and opinions of what is important in life.
    3. 3. A provider of value.

One can be an influencer for a variety of good and some cases bad reasons – but value is what truly sets an individual apart.

Influence Is Truly A Byproduct Of Value

Being a valuencer, you consistently bring value through your message, by your actions and through the content you create. It’s about the #3 C’s:

  • Content
  • Connection
  • Community

A valuencer creates content that brings value to his/her audience, forging a connection between the audience and the valuencer. With that, the individual becomes a fan, a community member and/or part of that valuencer’s tribe. It’s a simple equation…you cannot influence unless you provide value. You need to lead with what is truly important to you and your audience, because at the end of the day, it’s not the number of people who follow you that’s important, it’s the value you provide…period.



  • Joe Gill

    Joe Gill is a longtime digital marketing professional with a passion for social media marketing. He has worked with such major brands as THX, Uno’s Restaurants and TJX Companies. He has assisted in the planning of the first ever LinkedInLocal Boston held in July 2018 and is a volunteer for AMA Boston. Follow Joe on Twitter @joegill88 & LinkedIn at

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