Originally appeared in AMA volunteer, Indu Shanmugam’s blog on December 22, 2023: https://marketingwithindu.com/2023/12/22/decoding-the-nonsensical-symphony-a-take-on-marketing-jargon/

Fresh out of university and ready to dive headfirst into the world of marketing? Or perhaps you’re a career changer, finally fluent in the cryptic language of digital natives, and eager to conquer that interview? Kudos to you on this quest!

Ever found yourself in a client meeting, passionately explaining the wonders of SWOT analyses and the magic of SEO teaming up with AI, only to notice your audience looking at you like you’re speaking Parseltongue?

That means you are part of the marketing fraternity, where jargon flows like a river and buzzwords perform an interpretive dance that leaves us all slightly bemused. Every profession has its own lingo, sure to make newcomers chuckle and clients raise an eyebrow. As we navigate this world of marketing-speak, let’s poke some fun at these phrases to survive yet another brainstorming session.

The Jargon Jungle: First, let’s machete our way through the wild thicket of marketing terms, where ROI vines intertwine with KPI bushes, and CTA creatures lurk in the shadows. Armed with content calendars and SEO machetes, how many acronyms can you cram into a single sentence, fellow marketer?

  • Beware the Acronyms: In any written communication, style guides like The Chicago Manual of Style recommend that acronyms be spelled out in full the first time they appear. Example: Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
  • Don’t Assume Everyone Speaks Acronym: Even within marketing, acronyms can vary, especially across regions and countries.

Here is an example of how to turn marketing gibberish acronyms to plain English:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Making sure your website isn’t a digital ghost town, because we want your website not only visible but popular among search engines.

Buzzword Bingo: Ever played the unspoken game of Buzzword Bingo in a meeting? If not, you’re missing out on the secret thrill of checking off phrases like: synergy, innovative solutions, and the classic, think outside the box. If low-hanging fruit or boil the ocean make you groan, you’re in good company. Buzzword Bingo is the perfect antidote to PowerPoint and Zoom overload.

  • Avoid Clichés Like the Plague: Roy Peter Clark, Senior Scholar and VP at the Poynter Institute, warns, “Clichés can multiply like text-eating bacteria.”

Over-relying on clichés is like letting your words waltz through your audience’s ears unnoticed. Now that AI has crashed our marketing party, the challenge is writing with a unique voice that stands out. While AI might impress with its ability to proofread and enhance SEO, it’s no match for a copywriter’s creative flair. To elevate your writing skills, take classes and practice regularly. Whether it’s journaling or creative writing, breaking away from content marketing can boost your creativity and reduce stress. If you’re specifically interested in copywriting classes, AMA offers classes and may I suggest exploring classes under Content Marketing and Branding. You’ll soon navigate the marketing jungle with the confidence of Indiana Jones.

The Art of Eloquent Vagueness: Marketing has mastered the art of saying a lot without saying much. Let’s dissect how phrases like streamline verticals and innovate bleeding-edge paradigms sound impressive but often leave us scratching our heads. At least we all know that tight deadlines actually mean nearly-impossible-to-meet deadlines.

  • Be Specific: Building trust means being accountable and transparent. Be clear with deadlines, tasks, and objectives.

What’s Next, a Secret Handshake?: If we’re speaking a language only marketers understand, a secret handshake seems inevitable. It’s all fun and games until someone channels the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s iconic shake. In our mission to demystify marketing jargon, we’ll sprinkle in puns, toy with clichés, and dance with double entendres. Why take ourselves too seriously when we can turn mundane meetings into comedy acts? Here’s my dare #2: Find humor in SWOT analyses and value propositions. Embrace the absurdity of daily life. Even the most routine moments can surprise you. It’s the best way to navigate life’s chaos. Marketing jargon is perfect for a good-natured rally. Remember those “rush week” moments in marketing? Mastering jargon and laughing at ourselves is a badge of honor.

  • Humor as Stress Relief: Even if you’re convinced you lack a funny bone, self-deprecating humor is a reliable fallback. Poke fun at yourself as a marketer.
  • Love the Good Ol’ Self-Deprecation. Even if you are convinced that you don’t even have a single funny bone, there’s self-deprecation. Amuse yourself by poking fun of yourself as a marketer.

Humor is the torch that guides you through industry buzzwords. Laugh through the next brainstorming session and turn marketing-speak into a language we can all enjoy.

So far, I’ve given you two dares. It’s time for a truth. Talk to yourself or your cubicle buddy about overused jargon that makes you chuckle the most.


  • Indu Shanmugam is a copywriter at the American Marketing Association in Boston and a freelance Marketing Consultant at Perse Media & Entertainment. With a foundation in education as a high school English and Journalism teacher, Indu transitioned into marketing, leveraging her skills in publishing and editing. Her diverse background includes teaching American Literature in Singapore, serving as the Associate Fiction Editor for a Boston-based literary journal, and taking on the role of Lady Macbeth in Scots on the Rocks, a humorous take on Shakespeare’s classic. A passionate fiction writer and theatre enthusiast, Indu believes these pursuits have enriched her marketing expertise. Her interest in psychology fuels her ability to create relatable characters and bring them to life on stage. Having lived in four countries and in Portland, Oregon, she now proudly calls Massachusetts home. As a natural extrovert, Indu thrives on connecting with new people, especially fellow marketers.

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